Friday, October 28, 2016

"Hive Minds" Accurately Predict Results

Recently the concept of using "Hive Minds" to predict the results of events has been gaining steam. Hive Minds is the concept that looking at the decisions of individuals in a group can predict what will most likely happen. The idea behind Hive Minds, also known as Swarm Intelligence, stems from how bees, ants, and fish act in groups to make collective decisions. While the concept is not too far-fetched and seems like it would be very similar to a poll or debate it actually gets substantially better results.

For example, the Hive Minds program UNU has was recently able to predict the top 4 horses in order at the Kentucky Derby despite 540-1 odds. While its results may not always be perfect, they often are or are pretty close. Below I have showed two more examples of Hive Mind decisions:

The UNU program is a new and incredibly interesting system which uses a unique algorithm to take user opinions, input, to determine what will most likely occur, output. While it may be impossible to ever create a fully infallible program, this is an intriguing new way to make decisions.




  1. This seems like an awesome way to approach sports events. Just from the simulation, though, it seems like the organization of the options around the hexagon affects which one it chooses.

  2. I don't even know there is a high five program until I read your article. it is very interesting and I will definitely try to use it. Before reading your article, I think the algorithm is to collect data and output the most credible data to users and it is very similar to what you wrote about, cool.

  3. I think it is cool to see biolgy have an influence on technology. To think that technology may interact simlarly to bees or fish is a cool prospect to me. Nice article
